Darklight By Oliver Denman Free Limited Time

Take your Mac stargazing. See more with Darklight.

Are you an astrophotographer? A keen stargazer? Attempting a Messier marathon?

To observe the faintest objects in the night sky, your eyes need to be dark adapted. That means you should avoid all artificial light.

But what if you want to use your laptop?

Some astronomers cover their screens with a plastic film called 'Rubylith'. This turns the display red — many people believe red light is less harmful to your night vision than other wavelengths — but has little control over the brightness of the screen. Not only does Darklight mimic the Rubylith effect, it also gives you more power over the brightness levels of your Mac's display.

Darklight turns your display red — just like Rubylith — or green, and using the brightness control, you can darken the screen more than ever before.



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